Webinar: Welcome to Your Future – Employer’s Guide to Modern Employee Benefits

May 17, 2016

**Full disclosure, this webinar has nothing to do with beagles, but we couldn’t resist the picture. 

As regulations, technology and consumer preferences change, smart employers recognize that benefits for employees have to evolve as well. During this rapid-fire webinar, we’ll take a look at some key trends that have brought in the new era of employee benefits. Join us to see how a modern approach can help you control costs and improve your employees’ experience. For employers like you, the future is now.

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Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 

Time: 12:00 PM Central Standard Time  

Duration: 1 hour, including live Q&A 

In this webinar we’ll cover:

  • Whether or not Gravie’s a good fit for your business. We’ll ask qualifying questions, provide information on obtaining a financial analysis of your current situation and offer next steps.

Can’t make it to the webinar, but want to learn more about Gravie? Register and we’ll send you the recording.

Or you can always send us an email at [email protected], call us at 800.501.2920 or tweet us at @gogravie.

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