6.14 Webinar: Is There a Better Option Than a Group Health Plan for My Business?
As health insurance costs rise and traditional health plan options become less attractive, employers are looking for ways to offer competitive employee benefits, while reducing costs. Many employers wonder if there is a better option than their group health plan.
Because there are only so many ways to reduce health plan costs, defined contribution is emerging as the preferred approach for many employers as it offers affordability, value and administrative ease, all while offering employees more choice. Here are some of the advantages of defined contribution health benefits through Gravie:
- Employers set their own budget so they know the maximum amount they will be paying towards benefits.
- Employers get out of choosing “one-size-fits-all” group plans that meet few employees’ needs.
- Employees get more options than they would with traditional group benefits and are able to choose benefits that fit their unique needs.
- In some cases, employees may be eligible to receive tax credits, which could lower the cost of benefits.
In this webinar, we will tackle the pros and cons associated with traditional and non traditional employee benefits, along with the innovative strategies businesses are utilizing to save money and time, while offering benefits employees value.
Join our webinar to learn more.
Interested in learning more prior to the webinar? Download our printable Gravie Guide by clicking on the link below:
Gravie Guide: Defined Contribution for Employee Health Benefits