Open Enrollment 2018 – Here’s What You Need to Know

October 9, 2017

It’s that time of the year again – the 2018 Open Enrollment period is almost here! Some of you might be wondering what exactly is Open Enrollment and why is it important? We’ve put together a guide to help answer the most commonly asked questions.

What is Open Enrollment?

Open Enrollment is a time each year during which anyone can enroll in or change their health insurance plan.

When is Open Enrollment?

The 2018 Open Enrollment period is November 1, 2017, through December 15, 2017.

What is the deadline to enroll in coverage for 1/1/18?

We recommend you select your plan by December 10, 2017. December 15, 2017 is the last day to get coverage for January 1, 2018.

Who should be shopping during Open Enrollment? 

Anyone who is enrolling in individual coverage and isn’t already covered by Medicare or Medicaid.

Can I shop for a new plan, or make a change to my current plan, outside of Open Enrollment?

No. There are only two times when you can change or enroll in individual coverage. The first is during the annual Open Enrollment period (November 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017). The second is if and when you have a qualifying life event. Qualifying life events include things like losing coverage from your employer, getting married, having a baby, getting divorced, moving, etc. You have 60 days after the qualifying event to change or enroll in a plan.

What happens if I don’t get coverage?

If you go uninsured, you must pay a fee called the individual shared responsibility payment. This fee, or penalty, can amount to thousands of dollars. 

How can Gravie help? 

By combining smart technology and a human touch, we guide you through every step of choosing, buying, and managing your own health benefits. Gravie helps you sort through the many insurance options available – both on-exchange through the government run marketplaces and off-exchange directly through insurance companies. We know health insurance is way too complicated. Our goal is to make them simpler and easier to understand. 

Beginning November 1, 2017, you can log in and shop at We are here to help you find and buy the best plan for 2018! If you have any questions or need assistance, you can reach our advisors at [email protected] or 800.501.2920. 

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