It’s a Gravie thing.
You don’t get it — until you get it.
No hidden catches
Benefits that work the way you thought they would.
No complicated jargon
We make it simple to understand your coverage.
No unexpected costs
When it comes to health coverage, it’s good to be predictable.

We made a better health plan so that you can use it.
We call it Comfort®. With Comfort, you get a plan with no deductible and zero copays on most common healthcare services — the kind our members actually use.
Know what you’re getting.
When your health plan is simple and straightforward, you’re more likely to get preventive care and less likely to visit the ER.
Know you’re getting more.
With Comfort, benefits like virtual musculoskeletal care and virtual mental health treatment are just a part of the plan.
Know we’ve got your back.
With Gravie Pay®, you can pay for the health care you need now, interest-free.
Everyone loves
a good stat.
We have the kind that will make the other guys jealous.
On average, employees with Comfort save significantly on medical claims each month compared to traditional plans.
When out-of-pocket costs do arise, Comfort members still pay less for routine health services compared to traditional plan members.
Our members aren’t the only ones who save. Employers spend less on premiums compared to their prior carrier renewal offer when switching to Gravie.
We designed our benefits to help people stay healthy. Comfort members experience fewer inpatient hospital stays compared to the national average.
For Comfort members, the vast majority of healthcare visits are covered at no cost, compared to only 46% of visits for members with traditional plans.
We believe in offering benefits worth bragging about.
Hear how small and midsize employers are giving their employees more with Gravie.
We have thoughts on that
Read our latest thoughts on the issues shaping our industry today.

Five questions with Steve Wolin, Gravie Chief Executive Officer

Top five questions brokers are asking about ICHRA

Leveraging member feedback to improve the Gravie experience

A better open enrollment experience with Gravie

Gravie’s new pain assessment tool offers personalized care recommendations for members