Dr. Greg Burrell

Chief Medical Officer

About Dr. Burrell

Greg Burrell, MD joined Gravie in 2022 as its first Chief Medical Officer. At Gravie, Greg develops and leads the company’s clinical strategy and operations. This includes the company’s growing Care Navigation team.

Previously, Greg was the Vice President of Clinical Solutions and Associate Chief Medical Officer at Accolade (Nasdaq: ACCD). He was also the Co-Founder and Vice President of Clinical Product & Strategy at Carbon Health, an innovative primary care system integrating in-house advanced technology with coordinated delivery in order to provide a highly efficient, improved quality of care without increasing cost.

A board-certified internist, Greg completed his medical training at the University of Chicago and his residency at the University of California San Francisco, where he served for many years as an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine. He continues to practice as an internal medicine physician.

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